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Want a Session?

 Link to Schedule Appointment

Or text or call  (817) 918-3939 

New clients: $150
Returning clients: $125

Appointment fees currently based on distance sessions that include full planetary harmonics (gongs, tuning forks, hand chimes, bowls)


The Acutonics Healing Session

What is Acutonics®?

Acutonics® is a healing modality that uses vibrational sound based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (aka acupuncture). Tuning forks that are calibrated to match the hertz and tones of our natural universe help restore the body to a balanced and healthy state through the use of acupuncture points, chakras, and energy fields of the body.

Acutonics also addresses the emotional and psycho-spiritual aspects of health, recognizing the whole person. Acutonics can be considered a form of noninvasive acupuncture.


“Sound has the power to heal our wounds, ignite our spirit, change consciousness, and reunite us with the divine harmonies and rhythms of the Universe."
― Donna Carey, Co-Founder of Acutonics

® Acutonics is a registered trademark of the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine, LLC.

What Can Acutonics Sessions Address?

  1. Acutonics sessions assist emotional and physical imbalances to help you remember wholeness. Specifically, an Acutonics session can use:
  2. Extraordinary Vessels- pathways that store events, relationships, inherited patterns, physical and emotional reactions, and stress. Focused sound helps resolve things from the past that still effect the present or create fear of the future.
  3. Chakra clearings & harmonizing
  4. Fibonacci tuning forks for trauma unwind or manifesting intentions
  5. Esoteric Acutonics (see below) for raising consciousness or finding purpose
  6. Removing cords for better boundaries (see details below)
Gongs at DFW Acutonics


interview pic from video

First Things First:                                                              Listening to Your Story- The Consultation

I need to know your story. There is an initial consultation to determine your current concern and how best to approach the individualized session. This is not a one-size-fits-all protocol. Where are you in your journey, and what is your main intent for the session?

Sometimes, we discover that the source of your discomfort, whether emotional or physical, is in the past. This may also include some pulse diagnosis to help determine the most beneficial vessels to work on for your highest good.

The Healing Session - The Sound Part

When you receive the Acutonics treatment, you will lie on a massage/treatment table in person, or please lie down at home for distance sessions. The tuning forks are placed on various points and energy centers on the body to achieve the desired intent of the session while you relax. It is not unusual for most clients to fall into a light sleep or theta state while receiving Acutonics.

The vibrations travel very well via distance and through you as you are made of water that allows sound to travel through the body. I ask you to remain rested and relaxed for another 10 minutes after completion of the treatment to harvest the sounds.

Processing the Session- After the Sound Stops

Some clients feel an immediate sensation of feeling lighter or more relaxed or reduced pain after Acutonics, whether you are here in-person or at your own home receiving distance Acutonics. Others will notice subtle changes over time in the next few days following an Acutonics treatment. Others find that certain subjects may arise to be released, leading to subtle improvements over the next week. Everyone is different in processing.



Removing Energetic Cords With Vibrational Sound

In any relationship with other humans or animals, there are invisible energy cords that develop between you and the other. Each individual should be able to maintain their own energy with minimum cords. When a relationship ends through death or divorce or just evolution, severing and cauterizing cords that are unnecessary can create improved physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

These unwanted energetic cords can be removed and dissolved with high-frequency Acutonics tuning forks. Any wounds or regrowth are then cauterized with other high-frequency tuning forks.

Clients who have received vibrational sound cut cords have reported less drama with ex-spouses, healthy boundaries, less worry with their children, and relief from long-standing negative emotions or physical discomforts from a deceased relative. Cords with traumatic events, organizations/companies, family patterns, and emotional reactions have also been successfully removed, and clients report beneficial shifts in their lives afterward.

This can be added to any regular Acutonics session or scheduled by itself. Let us know if you have interest in this area.


Fibonacci Sound Sessions: Unwind Trauma or Create Your Intentions

A Fibonacci session is designed to either address unwinding trauma (trauma being defined as anything which was too overwhelming for your nervous system and created a fracture in your life) or "wind in" and create a intention to manifest in your life.   

UNWIND TRAUMA FIBONACCI SESSION:  We prime two Chinese Medicine Extraorinary Vessels that pertain to your individual trauma with planetary tuning forks and this allows us to go back and forth in time, much like a song journeys you back to who and wear your were when the song was popular.  This is followed by the nine Fibonacci tuning forks can to create the spiral to unwind your issue & it's entanglements. This is Mary Burke-Kelly's speciality.

CREATING INTENTION FIBONACCI SESSION: A nine tuning fork set with 8 musical intervals that graduate up in hertz level based upon the Fibonnaci math ratios found in all nature is used on all eight extraordinary vessels.  By combining 8 intervals with 8 opening points of the vessels in the Fibonnacci sequence it results in 64 applications of forks on points as in the I Ching or our DNA helix. The session is extremely powerful in creating the client's stated intention.  This is a session designed to create rather than release. Mary studied this process with the developer, Ron LaPlace, of Calgary, Canada.

 Esoteric Acutonics

In an Esoteric Acutonics session, acupuncture points are activated with tuning forks in a specific pattern and sequence, which creates a three-dimensional sacred geometry pattern (e.g.: fire or water triangles, star tetrahedron, etc.) on the body and in the energy fields. These patterns were developed by Dr. Miko Sankey, a respected acupuncturist, using needles. Mary has permission from Miko Sankey to use his patterns with Acutonics.

Esoteric Acutonics is designed to evolve the human to a higher level of consciousness over time and helps you discover your passion and puzzle piece in life. These patterns seek to balance the two main emotions in life from which all other emotions and imbalance occur: fear and love. We seek to open your heart and allow you to operate from the heart. Using an esoteric pattern before a regular Acutonics treatment can also increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

Link of Interest: Miko Sankey's Esoteric Acupuncture Site


Holographic Sound Healing

Heart-based holograms are made either to target physical areas of concern or around the heart chakra for emotional issues, then filled with sound and put into perpetual motion for additional effectiveness. This procedure is based on the protocols of Dr. Paul Hubbard of Austin, Texas. Mary is a Certified Holographic Sound Healing Practitioner.

Holograms also are used to send sound vibrations as waves over long distances and then converted into particle matter.

